Automation SYSTEMS as a SERVICE (SaaS)

Our complete and comprehensive set of digital and automated marketing systems seamlessly integrated into your brand is the strategic competitive advantage that allows you to cost-effectively accelerate your growth and ultimately dominate your marketplace.


  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System

  • Universal Inbox

  • Task Management System

  • Reputation & Review Management System

  • Bubble Connect Brand Enhancement Tool

  • Mobile Wallet Gift Card & Loyalty Rewards Program

  • Call Tracking

  • Lead Capture Forms

  • Google Business Pages & Google Food Ordering Management

  • Reactivation Campaigns

  • Birthday Campaigns

  • Referral Campaigns

  • Nurture/Newsletter Campaigns

  • Social Media Posting Management

  • Social Media Influencer Campaigns and Management

  • Retargeting as a Service

  • Opportunity Pipeline Management (OPM) Tool

  • Sales & Marketing Reporting

  • Mobile Optimized Website

  • Online Web Chat System

  • Online Calendar & Appointment Scheduling System

  • Enhanced QR Code Technology

  • 2-Way SMS, Email, and Social Media Messaging

  • Lead Magnets

  • Blog Content

  • Automated Email / SMS / Voicemail Follow Up Campaigns

  • Anniversary Campaigns

  • Give-away Campaigns

  • SEO

  • Social Media Content Creation

  • Facebook / Instagram Ad Management

  • Funnels as a Service

Your Automated Customer relationship

Management (CRM) System

Your CRM, or Customer Relationship Management

system, is a software tool that helps your business

manage and improve your customer relationships.

CRM Benefits include:

Improved Customer Service

A CRM allows businesses to track customer interactions, create personalized customer experiences, and provide timely responses to customer inquiries. This can lead to better customer satisfaction and retention.

Increased Sales

A CRM can help businesses identify potential sales opportunities and track customer interactions to determine the most effective sales strategies. This can lead to increased sales and revenue.

Better data management

A CRM allows businesses to store customer data in a centralized location and easily access and analyze this data. This can help businesses make data-driven decisions and improve their marketing and sales efforts.

Improved team collaboration

A CRM allows teams to share customer data and communicate more effectively. This can lead to better collaboration and coordination among team members.

Enhanced customer insights

A CRM allows businesses to gather customer feedback and analyze customer behavior to gain valuable insights into their preferences and needs. This can help businesses tailor their products and services to better meet customer needs.

Your Opportunity Pipeline Management (OPM) Tool

Opportunity pipeline management (OPM) is a

process used by businesses to track and manage

sales opportunities.

This includes identifying potential sales opportunities, tracking their progress through the sales process, and determining the likelihood of closing the deal.

OPM Benefits include:

Improved Sales forecasting

By tracking and managing sales opportunities, a small business can more accurately predict future sales and revenue. This can help with budgeting and planning.

Better sales strategy

By analyzing the data from the opportunity pipeline, a small business can identify which sales strategies are most effective and adjust their approach accordingly. This can lead to increased sales and revenue.

Increased efficiency

By streamlining the sales process, a small business can reduce the time and effort required to close deals. This can lead to improved productivity and efficiency.

Enhanced customer satisfaction

By tracking customer interactions and following up on sales opportunities, a small business can provide better customer service and build stronger relationships with their customers.

Better decision making

By analyzing the data from the opportunity pipeline, a small business can gain valuable insights into their sales processes and make data-driven decisions. This can lead to improved sales and revenue.

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Your Universal Inbox

A universal messaging inbox is a tool that allows

businesses to manage and organize all of their

incoming messages from different channels, such as

email, social media, and chat.

This allows businesses to view and respond to all of their messages

in a single location, rather than switching between different


UNIVERSAL INBOX Benefits include:

Improved organization

By consolidating all of their messages in a single location, a small business can better organize and manage their communication. This can lead to improved efficiency and productivity.

Enhanced customer service

By having all of their messages in one place, a small business can respond to customer inquiries more quickly and provide better customer service. This can lead to improved customer satisfaction and retention.

Increase visibility

A universal messaging inbox allows a small business to see all of their messages in one place, which can help them identify trends and patterns in customer behavior. This can help them improve their marketing and sales efforts.

Better collaboration

By allowing team members to access and respond to messages from a single location, a universal messaging inbox can improve collaboration and coordination among team members.

Enhanced data management

By storing all of their messages in a central location, a small business can easily access and analyze their communication data. This can help them make data-driven decisions and improve their business processes.

Your Sales & Marketing Reporting

Sales and marketing reporting is the process of

tracking and analyzing data related to a business's

sales and marketing efforts. This includes metrics

such as sales revenue, customer acquisition, and

marketing campaign performance.

Sales & Marketing REPORTING Benefits include:

Improved data management

By tracking and storing sales and marketing data in a central location, a small business can more easily access and analyze this data. This can help them make data-driven decisions and improve their business processes.

Enhanced visibility

Sales and marketing reporting allows a small business to see how their sales and marketing efforts are performing. This can help them identify areas for improvement and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Increased efficiency

By tracking and analyzing sales and marketing data, a small business can identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. This can lead to increased efficiency and productivity.

Better budgeting planning

Sales and marketing reporting allows a small business to see how their sales and marketing efforts are impacting their revenue and bottom line. This can help them with budgeting and planning for the future.

Enhanced customer insights

By tracking and analyzing customer data, a small business can gain valuable insights into their preferences and needs. This can help them tailor their products and services to better meet customer needs.

Your Task Management System

A task management system is a tool that helps businesses manage and organize their tasks and projects. This includes creating and assigning tasks, setting deadlines, and tracking progress.

TASK MANAGEMENT System Benefits include:

Improved organization

By using a task management system, a small business can better organize and prioritize their tasks and projects. This can lead to improved efficiency and productivity.

Enhanced collaboration

A task management system allows team members to share and collaborate on tasks, which can improve communication and coordination among team members.

Increased accountability

By assigning tasks and setting deadlines, a task management system can help a small business hold team members accountable for their work. This can lead to increased productivity and better results.

Better data management

By storing task and project data in a central location, a small business can easily access and analyze this data. This can help them make data-driven decisions and improve their business processes.

Enhanced visibility

A task management system allows a small business to see the status of their tasks and projects in real-time. This can help them identify potential issues and make necessary adjustments to keep their projects on track.

Your Mobile Optimized Website

A fast loading, mobile optimized website
is crucial for local businesses as it enhances user experience, boosts search engine visibility, and boosts customer engagement, increasing the chances of attracting and retaining customers.

It also showcases your business as modern, trustworthy, and dedicated to providing a positive online experience, improving your brand reputation and customer loyalty.


An engaging and user-friendly design

A well-designed website is visually appealing and easy to navigate, which can help improve the user experience and increase engagement with customers.

Responsive design

A responsive website is optimized for different devices and screen sizes, which is essential for providing a good user experience on mobile devices.

Search engine optimization

A website that is optimized for search engines can rank higher in search engine results and be more easily found by potential customers.

Engaging content

Engaging, valuable content, such as blog posts, videos, and podcast content, can help engage and retain customers and improve their user experience.

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A clear call to action

A clear call to action, such as a "Contact Us" or "Sign Up" button, can encourage customers to take the next step and engage with your business.

Integration with social media

Integrating your website with your social media channels can help drive traffic to your website and improve customer engagement.

Security and privacy

A secure and private website can protect customer data and provide peace of mind to customers who are concerned about their privacy.

Your Reputation & Review management System

A reputation and review management system is a tool that allows businesses to collect and manage customer reviews and ratings and showcase them on your website and social media.

This includes gathering reviews from different platforms, such as social media, online directories, and review websites, and organizing them in a central location.

Reputation & Review Mgmt Benefits include:

Improved customer satisfaction

By collecting and responding to customer reviews, a small business can show their customers that they value their feedback and are willing to make improvements based on their suggestions. This can lead to improved customer satisfaction and retention.

Enhanced online reputation

A review management system allows a small business to monitor and respond to their online reputation. This can help them address negative reviews and showcase positive reviews to potential customers.

Increased visibility

 By collecting and displaying customer reviews, a small business can improve their search engine rankings and be more easily found by potential customers.

Better data management

By collecting and organizing customer reviews in a central location, a small business can easily access and analyze this data. This can help them identify trends and patterns in customer behavior and make data-driven decisions.

Enhanced customer insights

By analyzing customer reviews, a small business can gain valuable insights into their customers' preferences and needs. This can help them improve their products and services to better meet customer needs.

Your Online Web Chat System

A website chat system is a tool that allows businesses to communicate with their website visitors in real-time through a chat box on their website.

This allows businesses to provide immediate support and assistance to their customers, as well as gather valuable information about their preferences and needs.

WEB CHAT Benefits include:

Improved customer service

By providing real-time support and assistance to their website visitors, a small business can improve customer satisfaction and retention. This can lead to increased sales and revenue.

Inhanced data collection

A website chat system allows a small business to gather valuable information about their website visitors, such as their location, interests, and pain points. This can help them tailor their products and services to better meet customer needs.

Increase engagement

By providing a chat system on their website, a small business can encourage website visitors to interact with their brand and learn more about their products and services. This can lead to increased engagement and interest in their business.

Your Bubble Connect Brand Enhancement Tool

A reputation and review management system is a tool that allows businesses to collect and manage customer reviews and ratings.

This includes gathering reviews from different platforms, such as social media, online directories, and review websites, and organizing them in a central location.

BubbleConnect Benefits include:

Improved customer satisfaction

By collecting and responding to customer reviews, a small business can show their customers that they value their feedback and are willing to make improvements based on their suggestions. This can lead to improved customer satisfaction and retention.

Enhanced online reputation

A review management system allows a small business to monitor and respond to their online reputation. This can help them address negative reviews and showcase positive reviews to potential customers.

Increased visibility

 By collecting and displaying customer reviews, a small business can improve their search engine rankings and be more easily found by potential customers.

Better data management

By collecting and organizing customer reviews in a central location, a small business can easily access and analyze this data. This can help them identify trends and patterns in customer behavior and make data-driven decisions.

Enhanced customer insights

By analyzing customer reviews, a small business can gain valuable insights into their customers' preferences and needs. This can help them improve their products and services to better meet customer needs.

Your Online Calendar and Appointment Scheduling System

A website chat system is a tool that allows businesses to communicate with their website visitors in real-time through a chat box on their website.

This allows businesses to provide immediate support and assistance to their customers, as well as gather valuable information about their preferences and needs.

_____ Benefits include:

Improved Customer Service

By providing real-time support and assistance to their website visitors, a small business can improve customer satisfaction and retention. This can lead to increased sales and revenue.

Enhanced data collection

A website chat system allows a small business to gather valuable information about their website visitors, such as their location, interests, and pain points. This can help them tailor their products and services to better meet customer needs.

Increased engagements

By providing a chat system on their website, a small business can encourage website visitors to interact with their brand and learn more about their products and services. This can lead to increased engagement and interest in their business.

Your Mobile Wallet Gift Card and Loyalty Rewards System

A reputation and review management system is a tool that allows businesses to collect and manage customer reviews and ratings.

This includes gathering reviews from different platforms, such as social media, online directories, and review websites, and organizing them in a central location.

_____ Benefits include:

Improved Customer satisfaction

By collecting and responding to customer reviews, a small business can show their customers that they value their feedback and are willing to make improvements based on their suggestions. This can lead to improved customer satisfaction and retention.

Enhance online reputation

A review management system allows a small business to monitor and respond to their online reputation. This can help them address negative reviews and showcase positive reviews to potential customers.

Increased visibility

 By collecting and displaying customer reviews, a small business can improve their search engine rankings and be more easily found by potential customers.

Better data management

By collecting and organizing customer reviews in a central location, a small business can easily access and analyze this data. This can help them identify trends and patterns in customer behavior and make data-driven decisions.

Enhanced customer insights

By analyzing customer reviews, a small business can gain valuable insights into their customers' preferences and needs. This can help them improve their products and services to better meet customer needs.

Enhanced QR Code Technology

A website chat system is a tool that allows businesses to communicate with their website visitors in real-time through a chat box on their website.

This allows businesses to provide immediate support and assistance to their customers, as well as gather valuable information about their preferences and needs.

_____ Benefits include:

Improved customer service

By providing real-time support and assistance to their website visitors, a small business can improve customer satisfaction and retention. This can lead to increased sales and revenue.

Enhanced data collection

A website chat system allows a small business to gather valuable information about their website visitors, such as their location, interests, and pain points. This can help them tailor their products and services to better meet customer needs.

Increased engagement

By providing a chat system on their website, a small business can encourage website visitors to interact with their brand and learn more about their products and services. This can lead to increased engagement and interest in their business.

TRACKING, CAPTURING, and COMMUNICATING using your customer's data

generate leads and build valuable target lists

Call Tracking

A Call Tracking system is a tool that allows businesses to track and analyze customer phone calls. This includes information such as the caller's location, the duration of the call, and the call outcome.

2-way SMS, Email & Social Media Messaging

Use two-way SMS, Email,

and Social Media

messaging to easily &

quickly communicate with

your customers in their

preferred channel, ensuring

you don’t miss any

important opportunities to connect with them.

Lead Capture Forms

Lead capture forms are forms that businesses use to collect information from potential customers. This information is typically used to generate leads for the business, which can then be converted into sales.

Lead Magnets

A lead magnet is a valuable piece of content or offer that is designed to attract and capture the attention of potential customers. This content or offer is typically given away for free in exchange for the potential customer's contact information, such as their email address.


Our systems as a service will help you manage your google properties and create unique and custom content for your brand helping position your company as an authority in your industry.

Google Business Pages

Your Google Business Page is a free tool provided by Google that allows small businesses to manage their online presence on Google, including their Google Maps listing, and Google Search results.

This allows businesses to easily control and update their information, such as their business hours, contact information, and services offered, and also to receive and respond to customer reviews and messages.

Blog Content

Regular and consistent blog content creation is important for local businesses as it can improve their search engine ranking, drive increased website traffic, establish their brand as an authority in their niche, and engage with their target audience.

By offering valuable insights, tips, and news related to their niche or industry, businesses can foster trust and build a loyal following, helping to grow their brand and customer base.

Google Food Ordering

Google Food Ordering is a feature offered by Google that allows users to place food orders directly from Google Search, Google Maps, or the Google Assistant.

Google Food Ordering is a great way to make it easier for customers to find and order food from their restaurant or food truck, while also providing a convenient and efficient ordering experience that can help improve reputation and drive increased sales.

AUTOMATED CAMPAIGNS Engage Customers and Prospects
increases revenue and sales activities

Reactivation Campaigns

A Call Tracking system is a tool that allows businesses to track and analyze customer phone calls. This includes information such as the caller's location, the duration of the call, and the call outcome.

SMS, Email & Voicemail Follow-Up Campaigns

Use two-way SMS, Email, and Social Media messaging to easily & quickly communicate with your customers in their preferred channel, ensuring you don’t miss any important opportunities to connect with them.



Lead capture forms are forms that businesses use to collect information from potential customers. This information is typically used to generate leads for the business, which can then be converted into sales.



A lead magnet is a valuable piece of content or offer that is designed to attract and capture the attention of potential customers. This content or offer is typically given away for free in exchange for the potential customer's contact information, such as their email address.



A Call Tracking system is a tool that allows businesses to track and analyze customer phone calls. This includes information such as the caller's location, the duration of the call, and the call outcome.



Use two-way SMS, Email, and Social Media messaging to easily & quickly communicate with your customers in their preferred channel, ensuring you don’t miss any important opportunities to connect with them.

Nurture / Newsletter Campaigns

Lead capture forms are forms that businesses use to collect information from potential customers. This information is typically used to generate leads for the business, which can then be converted into sales.



Our experienced SEO team of professionals specializes in providing complete and effective search engine optimization services to small businesses.

We will conduct thorough keyword research and analysis to identify the most effective keywords for your website. We will then optimize your website content and meta tags to ensure that your website ranks highly on search engine results pages.

Social Media Marketing, Content Creation, Management and Paid Advertising

Our systems as a service will help you manage your google properties and create unique and custom content for your brand helping position your company as an authority in your industry.

Social Media Posting Management

With a comprehensive and affordable social media posting service for small businesses, our team of experts creates unique short video content and social po

sts, and manages a daily posting calendar to ensure consistency and effectiveness.

Our Social Posting Blitzkrieg service covers all the major social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and YouTube. With our all-inclusive 365-day content creation package, your business can stay ahead of the competition and enjoy the benefits of daily, creative, and impactful social media posts without the hassle.

Social Media Content Creation

Creating social media posts can be extremely time consuming and we understand the importance of creating unique and engaging social content that resonates with your target audience. That's why our team of experts specialize in crafting custom social media content tailored to your business's voice and brand identity.

From short video content to daily social posts, our Social Posting Blitzkrieg service guarantees to deliver creative, impactful, and memorable content that will set your business apart from the rest. Partner with us to elevate your social media presence and reach new heights of success..

Social Media Influencer Campaigns & Management

Our full-service social media influencer marketing and management services for local businesses looking to gain more exposure and increase brand awareness.

Our team of experts will help you identify and partner with relevant influencers in your niche to reach your target audience and build a strong following. We will act as your agency of record and handle all aspects of the social influencer partnership, including the negotiating terms to executing campaigns and measuring results, ensuring your business receives maximum return on investment and exposure for your brand.

Facebook / Instagram Ad Management

Our Facebook Ad Management service is specifically designed for small businesses looking to leverage the power of Facebook advertising to reach their target audience and grow their business.

Our team of experienced ad managers will create and manage your Facebook ads, ensuring that they are aligned with your business goals and objectives. We will conduct thorough research and analysis to identify the most effective targeting and messaging strategies for your ads, and track their performance to continually optimize and improve their effectiveness.

Retargeting as a Service

We’ll design and manage retargeting campaigns that display targeted ads to users who have previously visited your website or interacted with your brand online.

Our retargeting services to help businesses reach their target audience and drive conversions. Our team of experts will create customized retargeting campaigns, utilizing the latest technology and strategies, to ensure that your advertising budget is being used effectively and efficiently.

Whether you're looking to reconnect with lost customers or reach new audiences, our retargeting services have you covered. Increase brand awareness, drive traffic, & boost conversions through targeted retargeting advertising.

Increase brand awareness, drive traffic, & boost conversions through targeted retargeting advertising.

Retargeting Benefits include:

Increased brand awareness

Retargeting allows businesses to stay top-of-mind with potential customers and remind them of their brand.

Increased conversion rates

Retargeting can help businesses convert more of their website visitors into customers by showing them personalized ads that are relevant to their interests and needs.

Better targeting and cost efficiency

Retargeting allows businesses to only show ads to users who have previously engaged with their brand, which means they are more likely to be interested in their products or services. This can help businesses save money by avoiding showing ads to users who are unlikely to convert.

Improved customer experiences

Retargeting allows businesses to provide personalized and relevant ads to their customers, which can improve their overall experience with the brand.

Funnels as a Service

Our marketing-funnel-as-a-service offers small businesses a comprehensive and streamlined approach to generating leads and converting them into customers.

Through a combination of targeted advertising, compelling content, and effective sales techniques, we help businesses create a clear and effective marketing funnel that drives results.

Our team of funnel experts will work with you to understand your target audience and create custom funnel strategies that cater to their unique needs and behaviors.

Whether you're looking to increase website traffic, boost sales, or improve customer retention, our marketing funnel development services have you covered.

Marketing Funnels Benefits include:

Increased conversions:

Marketing funnels are designed to guide potential customers through the purchasing process, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Better understanding of target audience

By analyzing the behavior and engagement of leads within the funnel, businesses gain valuable insights into their target audience.

Improved customer experience

Marketing funnels prioritize providing a personalized and seamless customer experience, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Increased ROI

By focusing efforts on high-quality leads and reducing waste, marketing funnels help businesses maximize their return on investment.

Better measurement and optimization

Marketing funnels allow for clear tracking and analysis of performance, making it easier for businesses to optimize their strategies and improve results over time.


Need assistance with anything?


Let us know!



Contact: mail@bizappbiz.com | (732) 858-0587

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